Wednesday, May 24, 2006
hmm...s0o happi...n0w my life g0t him...haha...realli lurve him al0ts...2 u: sry dear...tis few daes veri busy s0o n0 time 2 spend wid u...but will de kz...?haha...hmm...2dae arhs...g0t de investiture ting...i tink its abit plain lehs...shld impr0ve...i sit ter and r0t wid jia leng..den jie qiang wen yew and marcus kept playin...haha...den i s0o happi 2 c wan xinn dear dear wear her c0at...haha...haiXx...oso a sad dae lahs...stupid mang0 lahs...always lik 2 pick on mi and de w0rst ting is dat she lik 2 threaten mi usin my daddi l0rs...always sae u d0 tis d0 tat den i call ur daddi...sia0 lahs...i realli dun lik her l0rs...!!!i realli h0pe tis yr wld faster end s0o dat i wun c her bl0ody face anim0re...she saed dat she wann tis yr 2 end faster s0o she wun c us...we oso dun wann 2 c her l0rs...she th0t she veri p0pular...DISGUST...!!!everitime cum in class den sc0ld sc0ld sc0ld...and de w0rst ting is dat she is g0nna seperate mi and wan xinn dear!!!i hate it!!!i cant live widout dear de l0rs...!!!i dun mind her callin my parents...but i dun wan her 2 seperate us...!!!i hate it!!!haiXx...dear...i realli dunn0 w0t 2 d0 lerrs l0rs...hmm...i wld lik 2 sae sry 2 my darling ms ang...srysry...k lahs...rite till here lerrs...tml still g0t rehearsal w0rXx...s0o happi...eLLe jiie buyin ch0c0late 4 mi!!!i lurve her 4ever!!!and chew ping jiie and wen sze and br0nte and bernice and mich and al0t m0re!!
Sunday, May 21, 2006
happi bird dae 2 myself...
haha...s0o l0ng neh p0st lia0z...s0o fun w0rXx ytd...i m s0o damn happi ytd...but abit sad oso c0z my darling my ang neh cum...i guess shes 2 busy wid her first i th0t she wld giv mi a surprise but 2 my dispp0intment she didnt...but i wun blame her de lahs...tis yr al0t of ppl giv mi belated presents...haha...but i dun mind...wah...ytd nite de wh0le class celebrated my bird dae wid mi...i m realli veri t0uched...even my wh0le famili came at nite 2 cut de cake wid mi...i wanna thnx al0t of ppl...firstly i wanna thnx wan xiin dear dear 4 buyin de MANGO cake 4 mi...thnx allen and zy 4 de prezzie...thnx regine meii 4 de prezzie...thnx ha0 jiie 4 de musical b0x...haha...thnx mang0 4 organisin tis outin 4 us...thnx all de parents...thnx everibuddi...thnx th0se hu p0ured water on mi oso...=) everibuddi s0o mad ytd...den wen d0in cip 2nd r0und mi and dear slack...c0z damn h0t...den we t0ok al0t of crazi f0t0s...den wen cuttin cake ytd jie qiang sh0uted wich fruit is de nicest den we all ans MANGO...haha...and he ask wich fruit can be picked frm de rubbish dump everibuddi ans MANGO...i tink we went overb0ard...even mang0 n0e dat we t0kin ab0ut her...i purp0sely request 4 a mang0 cake...but de cake is damn nice...XD mang0 oso t0k 2 my parents...ZZZ...den i realised dat my parents can get al0ng quite well wid dear's parents w0rXx...haha...they t0k ab0ut our studies and blah blah...haha...den we eavesdr0p...c0z we wanna n0e w0t they t0kin ab0ut us...XD den we oso had fun bildin sandcastles...but my grp abit...c0z g0t leuven and b0on f0ng...den dey always veri b0ssy...n0 teamw0rk spirit...den i sat ter listenin 2 them argue...ZZZ...we were bein grp int0 4 grps...actualli mi is grp wid nette xinn minns qi heng j0 and zy de l0rs...but den mang0 regrp...but neh mind lahs...mi and hua zh0ng same grp as mi...allen oso...den we slack den kept on playin wid water and t0kin l0rs...den wen tcher cum den act act...wahaha...i always stand at de seaside den wen de water cum up den we sh0uted...haha...s0o fun...and de b0is picked up dead fish and use it 2 scare us...!!damn!!but neh mind...they playin nia...wan xinn dear was wid mi all de time...i lurve her!!!2nite g0nna celebrate wid my famili...yay!! =)
Tuesday, May 09, 2006

de pic is nice huh...?minns darling drew it!!i lurve it!!!n0odle...use ur n0odle...n0odle...d0 de d0odle dance!!haha...i hav been singin it wid minns frm jus n0w aft sch macs oso...s0o damn fun wid de 4 of them siia...they r always de one hu make mi luff make mi crazy will cry 4 each other...will lend a listenin ear 2 each other wen we hav pr0bs...get int0 tr0uble wid tcher each other...tats w0t frens r 4!!haha...minns and nettes abit mad 2dae sia...kept on luffin...den jus n0w g0t maths remedial we all sit in frnt c0z we wanna c0ncentrate c0z tml g0t maths paper 2 sia...den 4 of us c0ncentrate in class g0h is actualli a damn g0od tcher l0rs...haiXx...he lik spend all his time and eff0rt on 2e5 and 2e4 4 our maths c0z maths damn imp0rtant 4 us den sumtimes we still lik dun listen 2 him den still defy him...i realli pity him sia...den sumtimes he still giv 2e5 remedial lerrs den immediately giv us remedial...lik damn tirin lahs...s0o i decided 2 listen 2 him l0rs...i jus n0w j0ke wid him he still luff back sia...haha...realli lik 2 c him luff...lik s0o cute...haha...2dae didnt c my darling ms ang...miss her al0ts sia...she mus be busy markin our papers...p0or darling...h0pe u dun tire urself out kz...?mus oso rest...we r humans n0t machines...haha...jus n0w durin science exams sudd tink of last time den cried sia...haha...mem0ries r s0o...neh mind...realli wish 2 g0 back 2 last time...but i n0e its imp0ssible...4get it...dun t0k ab0ut it i die lia0 lahs...Zzz...n0 c0nfidence...anih0w d0 de...den sum0re jus n0w mang0 giv us check our marks...sia la...i 3 subs fail...s0bs...i cant beat dat frickin biatch...neh mind...i will d0 better den her de other time...will de...den durin recess we stay in class...i t0ok out my c0c0 crunch and eat...hehe...=)...dear dear...dun sad lahs...i very sry i cant make it tis sat...its ur bird dae sum0re...haiXx...but i will make it up 2 u on the nxt sat de kz...?hehehe...den aft recess was lit...i rite damn l0ng sia...i t0ok lik 1 h 15 mins 2 finish...wahahaha...den i sit ter and r0t...i cant slp...haha...s0o happi minns gave mi de letter...s0o nice..i lurve it...!!!she still draw our 4 de pic...k lahs...rite till here lerrs...xiin minns netteys rawk my life!! <333 them!!
Monday, May 08, 2006
haha...actualli wanna p0st last wk de but dne i fell ang!!!i lurveeee u!!!thnx 4 ur stickers...haha...m0tivate mi 2 study in a wae...c0z i paste it all on my b0oks and stati0nery...wahahahha...hmm...2dae is hist and h0me ec...hist 2 hrs...i finished in 1 h 30min...L0L...den i sit der and r0t...cant slp...den durin recess break i eat bread and study h0me ec...den kept on playin wid netteys minns and xiin h0n3y...L0L...netteys luff s0o funni siia...den we t0k ab0ut de trip on tis sat...haha...s0o xcited!!c0z we g0nna celeb h0n3y bird dae!!wahaha...wah...2dae durin h0me ec we kept on makin fun of de tcher den she damn angry siia...wahahahhahahah...wen outside de classrm i saw my darling ms ang den i call her name l0ud l0ud den she gave mi DAT face...L0L...!!i realli lurvee her al0ts...dunn0 h0w 2 xpress my lurveee...L0L...den aft sch g0 mum mum...we play and play and play...lik sum retards...wahahaha...tml is science wich is 2 hrs...Zzz...s0o l0ng sia...and lit...tml veri late den sch end...haha...den sum0re still g0t mr g0h remedial...sia la...he t0ld mi i veri careless in paper 1...Zzz...paper 1 70 lehs...s0o high l0rs...4get it...paper 2 i chi0ng arh!!haha...rite till here lerrs...
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
sia la...r0ttin at h0me...
sianXx...r0ttin at h0me n0w...actualli i wanted 2 g0 back 2 sch 2dae de...but n0t feelin well...haiXx...thnx h0n3y 4 bringin my hw 4 mi...realli lurve u al0ts...alth0ugh veri late de remedial but u still made an eff0rt 2 cum...lurve u dear!!oso thnx min minns de minced meat 4 callin mi and kept mi updated ab0ut the happenings in class...wahahha....i dun wanna miss out ani n0tes or revisi0n lehs...s0bs...tml mus g0 2 sch lerrs...tml g0t exams...n0 play play...wah...mang0 jus called and ask ab0ut mi...sumtimes she is oso quite g0od...i was t0ld dat ytd she missed a peri0d and was s0o frustrated dat she vent her anger on priscilla...p0or priscilla...haiXx...realli pity her sumtimes...lik tchers will always blame her if aniting went wr0ng...and shes lik th0se type of quiet gurl...haiXx...i realli r0ttin at h0me lerrs...but n0 ch0ice...but at least i can slp l0nger at h0me...wahahah...s0o evil...ytd aft CR peri0d den i went h0me lerrs...heard tat my darling ms ang oso never cum den mdm geetha never cum oso den n0 remedial...y is everibuddi sick?!?!hmm...w0t is happenin?!i at h0me oni slp eat slp eat...Zzz...s0o b0rin...oso g0t d0 hw...exams here ler lehs...cant slack anim0re...!!!i realli lurve my daddi mummi mavis and auntie and marilyn 4 carin and c0ncernin ab0ut mi...haha....tats w0t famili is...haha...m0thers dae cumin lerrs...i m sure i will giv mummi sumting damn nice!!
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