i'm very happy today!! maybe coz de used to be long thursday is no longer long but short!! and had lots of maths hw today.. and the ans at the back of the book are all wrong! made me damn pissed and worried for nothing! den me and fiona kept checkin ans with each other and kept calling each other.. anw, we bought her present already.. shall pass it to you tmr.. and hoho told me dat he cut his hair and it looks dead? haha.. XD he told me he doesn't suits de hairstyle at all and dun lik it! poor brother of mine.. and he was sort of emotional over it.. and i told him dat hair will grow.. and asked him not 2 cry.. i was exaggerating.. he wun cry over such small matters..
and we had physics practical today.. did some plumbline and protractor stuff.. at first is was mr aw who invigilated us den mr ho came in den mr aw again.. -_- was really happy coz it was the first time i did it soo fast.. hehe.. =) and had lots of fun singing with priscilla nu peng you! haha.. XD and mr aw was ever so funny again! he lied to us and sprayed water on us.. o.0
anw, can't wait to tok about today's aft sch trip to IMM.. went ter by taxi coz it so happened dat everyone's bag is heavy today.. anw, it was jojo's idea.. so we took it and reached.. went to secret recipe for lunch.. wasn't so hungry so i ate a piece of cake and drank mocha.. didn't finish it coz it was too bitter! =X jojo was de wan who made de trip fun! kept acting civilised and being SUPER lame! went to buy my sis some sand art thing to help her kill time at home and prevent her from rotting and her eye is making great improvement.. THANK GOD! XD wan xin ordered the most coz she skipped recess.. as for jojo, kept saying he wanted to go on a diet but still.. sigh.. its alright.. as long as he's tall its ok! den after eating, me and jojo had stomach ache and we went to relieve ourselves.. LOL.. XD and we felt soo relieved.. after that, went to diva to get fiona's present and we spent quite some time ter coz it was difficult choosing a present for FIONAYEOXIUXIU! she have the girly side and the boyish side so we were like hesitating to get this or that.. but anw, the salesgirl who served us helped us alot in choosing it.. haha.. XD hope you like it arh.. den its time to go home.. wan xin took cab home coz she was kinda late.. walked jojo to the 176 bus stop and i pei ernest some $ before going home.. LOL.. XD