finished adam khoo's programme and elle told me it was useless? LOL. she said it was a waste of $$, electricty, time, effort and many many more. woah. it's as though she's anti adam khoo. alright sis! i really miss her a lot! and she has to go to work like almost everyday. can't meet up too. like kind of difficult. and yesterday everybody cried like mad! in chinese saying" wash your face using your tears" yea, i wasn't exaggerating. and i cried so much at a point of time and nana sista gave me such a warm hug when i needed it the most. really love you sista! and i wanna say i love you daddy & mummy! you're the greatest people in my life! although i didn't have the courage to go up and say in front of everybody, but i'm sure it's ok if i say it to both of you personally. =) don't treasure things only after you lose it, it'll be too late by then.
and i'm really ecstatic! because, finally, girlfriends are together again!! not by chance, but we sorted things out and confessed to one another about what we disliked about the person and so on and so forth. felt so relieved and great after all that. but we have policies too. no. 1, don't be obligated to go with the clique. no. 2, to love and not to hate, though it's difficult to not gossip about others, we'll try our very best. no. 3, concentrate on studies, study hard and achieve our aims. no. 4, we've got our commitments and cannot neglect it like our good friends, cca, tuition or whatever. no. 5, must spend time with girlfriends but not obliged to. that's all i suppose. and everybody happy!! missed the times where i had small little talks with you all. haha.
spend whole day facing daddy's laptop doing lms. did quite a lot. and i took quite a long time too. as i was distracted by msn, viwawa and stuff like that. i had to destress after a while and was so tempted to play viwawa so i gave in to my temptation. LOL. played a few rounds. felt a sense of satisfaction as my memory was improving, and i won quite a few rounds. XD and there ernest would go again. giving me guilt treatment. you go la, go play la, i never mind one. haha. XD but in the end he still allowed me to. that sleeping beauty, who takes irregular naps when he's at home. lol. anyway, this sat is your birthday little boy. are you happy? grown bigger 1 year. LOL! and older too~~ we want to catch the leap years. but that's if time allows. cause maybe he's also celebrating it with his family so yea. =) i forgotten his birthday last year as i was too engrossed in my sec 3 camp and it won't be a repeat for this year! haha. i promise a better one this year! okok. and we started planning so early. typical kiasu singaporeans.
and oh yea, next post, will dig out photos from last year and blah with girlfriends. make them embarrassed! =P good night! yawn!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008


big eyes competition!

yesterday was my cousin's wedding. but we had soo much funs with our cousins. screaming, shouting and doing all kind of stupid acts which were really dumb. sat at table 14!! my favourite number. =) and it was a table with no parents so we can do as what we like. and we caused a lot of noise pollution. so much so that everyone stared at us. they must be thinking "hey you bunch of little kiddos, please grow up!" lol. but who cares. it seems as though we have not met one another for months. XD we laughed, sang songs, joked and everything. and i'm sure my mum must have gave me the stern look for umpteenth times to warn me that i should just behave myself and not go wild. lol. and i only caught her once looking at me with those raised up brows most probably because i was too engrossed in having fun with them that i didn't even notice it. the food was not bad but just that the space was a little bit too small. but it's better this way too as it will make the whole place looks more lively. and we all had our dinner at home first before coming. that made us soo full and bloated after the whole event. we had pizza at home as both my sisters went swimming in the afternoon and was starving after that. lol. and we all forked out some money each to foot the bill. we were all eating so happily. we couldn't bear to leave each other to go home after the whole thing. ZZZ.
something really dumb happened to me yesterday too. my ex, ben, suddenly contacted me and asked to chat with me. i was suspicious about him. i mean i don't really know him at the first place. and i don't feel like knowing him too. and we were together last time just out of fun and not serious relationship. then, i asked him directly, why contact me all of a sudden? you broke up with your girlfriend already? then he replied oh yea, and i'm trying to contact my "OLD FRIENDS". like so obvious what was he up to. i knew he had an ulterior motive. and i can't be bothered with such person. and he still asked me, how old are you ar? what you doing now? studying or working? like it's none of your business. LOL. XD and he is a mandarin-speaking person which was such a turn off. but i just answered him in english like who cares right. lol. i just told him directly that i have got nothing to do with him and told him i've got something on and just put down the phone. what an irritating guy. spoilt my mood. lamer!
Monday, February 18, 2008
i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test.
i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test.
but fionayeoxx managed to make me feel less demoralised by saying "anyway, this is not o levels. it's only a maths test." XD and nu peng you is sick! get well soon!! love you! tata.
i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test. i'm gonna fail my maths test.
but fionayeoxx managed to make me feel less demoralised by saying "anyway, this is not o levels. it's only a maths test." XD and nu peng you is sick! get well soon!! love you! tata.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
haha. went out with him today. i think we always go to many different kinds of unexpected places that couples would go. we like to explore around singapore and not always go back to the same place. haha. XD although singapore is quite small but there are still some places that i believe all of us have not been before. since both of us stay in the west, we always go to the east. XD went to kallang today. don't think dirty. that place is very near to geylang i know that. but still, it's where nicoll highway collasped, the indoor stadium is located. and i found out a trait about that place. it's either there will be many people there or none at all. what i meant was, if there is a concert held at the indoor stadium, the place would be extremely crowded but when there is not, it'll be so quiet that you can hear the gentle waves hitting the sides. i'm not exaggerating. and i also found out that the east of singapore is not as modernised as the west side. as in there were many shophouses seen, old buildings and housing estates. anyway, that place just reminds me of the survival camp that i went to with wan xin 2 years back. woah. it was really unforgettable. it was more than a backpack camp. it was more like a boot camp! LOL! when we were all hungry, tired, thirsty, dirty and everything. but it is all over. we wanted to check out the newly built kallang leisure park. it was such a disappointment. or maybe because it just opened not long ago therefore the whole mall seems soo empty and lifeless. haha. XD but it was quite big. just lacked of the life in there. so we only spent some time there and left after a short while. walked all the way to the waterfront i think. was it? i think so. we spent a long time there. enjoying the breeze and talking about everything. it is always i'm the one talking and he as the listener. LOL. anyway, it was really enjoyable. just sitting down there, relaxing and felt as though there was no worries no nothing no homework no problems. but still must snap out of it and get back to reality. however, i'm delighted after all. =) thanks for being such a good listener and not finding me such a nuisance. =X went for dinner at bukit timah after that. was a long trip. and the bus interchange at kallang was kind of scary. and i had soo much fun making fun of him and treating him as a servant. =X nah. i wasn't that mean. just threatened him. and not allowing him to eat in peace. haha. okok enough. and that's all.
i love you darling. spending the whole evening doing nothing but watching the sunset together. and sorry that i didn't mention about our first year together. it was a right choice from the beginning. i really love you a lot. still remember on the 14th last year, you waited for me till 6.30, gave me a big surprise which touches me. i know that you are upset over not being able to give me a good one this year. but i'm contented to just spend time with you. i really hope that we can go a long way. =)with lots of love.
Friday, February 15, 2008

a letter from yeoXX!! bananananana!

my favourite bedsheet!

orangey flowers.

i love ernie!!
happy belated valentines day!! didn't had the time to blog yesterday as i was rushing my maths. more and more homework everyday. it seems like never ending work. tuitions, cca, self study sessions, tests are already in our everyday life. and i just flunked both my physics test and chemistry common test. shan't talk about it anymore. anyway, what's done cannot be undone. i'm just so disappointed in myself. but there's nothing i can do. i've no time and energy to study for the tests. and i'm starting to give up hope for my physics. and that's a bad sign. i'll try to find solutions on improving my physics. and mr aw kept asking for feedbacks on which teaching methods would benefit us better but i think none of them would help. i'm desperately looking for someone who can teach me physics so that i can at least clinch a b4. enough of that. anyway, had soo much fun learning indian dance for fusion dance which is one of the events during speech day. like shake as much as we can man! at first, it was quite difficult to follow the music and dance to the step, manage to get it after several practices. and we were so happy as we had this sense of satisfaction after learning so hard. XD it was an enjoyable and totally new experience. although the steps were easy as said by sheela and lekshmi, but we are like struggling with it. lol. but we are really beginners. all those shaking and everything reminds me of the song hips don't lie. XD but we're not to the extend yet la. and the song of the dance is stuck in my head. nemuro, nemuro ... LOL! anyway, it's a classical. this year is our last year already. must really enjoy!! okok. enough. most importantly, i want to thank all my lovely friends who gave me those lovely presents. and those who bake, appreciate your effort! i guess everybody must be spending the whole night preparing and neglecting studies for a while. so really thanks alot! i love all of you! LOL. last year already. life in bukit view would be a really unforgettable one. i'll certainly miss all my lovely friends who have always been there for me when i needed them the most. that is what true friends are. =) it's great to know them. cause they made a part of my life. without them, school life would be dull and boring! and they are a motivation to attend school! LOL. and i'm soo happy to be qualified for the malaysia trip this march holidays! WOOHOO! go have fun and play like mad together with michelle and wan xin! happy weekend everybody!!
Monday, February 11, 2008
i'm soo very fed up with blogger. i just can't upload those dumb photos!! i mean nice photos. but i'm so pissed off with the stupid thing. ARGH! anyway, happy chinese new year! not much ang baos but still happy. and up till now, people are still going to relatives and friend's houses for visiting but i'm not. LOL. i only go on the first day. ZZZ. went to honeh's house together with mai siao, xiu xiu, ally, wan ting, marco polo, hao jie and ernest. hui min took out all her letters that were written to her in the past and all of us were like laughing at them. i mean we were all so childish in the past. and michelle wrote a letter to scold hui min and asked her to reply. like so lame la. LOL! and we had soo much fun louing yu sheng. but the bad thing was that nupengyou wasn't there. then that xiu xiu can't go like "emm, breascilla, evelyn bullimic!" haha. and dat banana kept locking people out of the room, playing with the door. ... it's like she plays the classroom door and also hui min's door. 0.o wa can't imagine that it is already the fourth and last year we spend together already. time really flies. i'll surely miss all my good friends after this year. =( anyway, tag till here. tata!
i'm soo very fed up with blogger. i just can't upload those dumb photos!! i mean nice photos. but i'm so pissed off with the stupid thing. ARGH! anyway, happy chinese new year! not much ang baos but still happy. and up till now, people are still going to relatives and friend's houses for visiting but i'm not. LOL. i only go on the first day. ZZZ. went to honeh's house together with mai siao, xiu xiu, ally, wan ting, marco polo, hao jie and ernest. hui min took out all her letters that were written to her in the past and all of us were like laughing at them. i mean we were all so childish in the past. and michelle wrote a letter to scold hui min and asked her to reply. like so lame la. LOL! and we had soo much fun louing yu sheng. but the bad thing was that nupengyou wasn't there. then that xiu xiu can't go like "emm, breascilla, evelyn bullimic!" haha. and dat banana kept locking people out of the room, playing with the door. ... it's like she plays the classroom door and also hui min's door. 0.o wa can't imagine that it is already the fourth and last year we spend together already. time really flies. i'll surely miss all my good friends after this year. =( anyway, tag till here. tata!
Sunday, February 03, 2008
my ulcer is killing me! and it has been there for like so many days. but i didn't want to apply the medication as it will make my mouth feel so damn awkward. =X i didn't care and continued eating all those heaty stuff. LOL! anyway, this is the last weekend to chinese new year. everybody squeezing and like grabbing everything they can get in shoppin malls, markets, everywhere. LOL. all last minute ar. and everything are priced at such a high price. it's like that. that was what mummy told me. and we went around to quite a few plant shops or do you call it the florist? sounds weird though. went to get plants and beautiful flowers for the upcoming chinese new year. went to this garden at cck. the plants & flowers were really unique and nice! if only i can buy all of them. haha. XD but i won't have the place to put them and most importantly, no $$! they are just so nice to look at. but it's only for a limited period of time. after that, they will wither and die. ZZZ. met up with rachel. asked her how was her life in st mags. she said the only thing she dislike was that she had to wake up as early as 5.20 and then her dad would drop her at the bus stop then she take a bus to school. if it was me, i would appeal to another school. ZZZ. like so not enough sleep. then would spoil my mood of studying. ZZZ. let's hope she would get use to it. anw, congratulations to my nupengyou for getting into the grand finals. and that day during 1 of the rehearsals she laughed while singing because of the dumb subtitles. XD she laughed at the part "mobile, let it rest for 1 night" LOL! anyway, we'll be doing a banner for her! and ask the guys to take it on the actual day. coz most of the girls are involved in the performance. ZZZ. haha. my nupengyou. had car washing session last week in the church. had so much fun brushing the tyres. XD more like playing then washing. SIAN AR! tomorrow have the creative writing course. such a boring thing! after long monday. -_- yay! gonna get lots of red packet $$!! and i can go shopping. LOL. so looking forward to the day. and my elder sis thought of a creative way of having our reunion dinner instead of having steamboat, we should go western and cook steak for each other. it'll be so fun! wahahahah. post till here. tata!
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