Next up, some CNY photos. More to come!
Cute hamster.
We actually forget that there was an infant and we screamed HUAT AH! which agitated the baby. =X

With a simple yet so meaningful gift, you have totally touch my heart once again.
Thank you Kelvin for the delicate little gift that is able to cheer me up whenever I see it dancing with the wind. =)
Happy new year and Happy Valentines to all lovers in the world. =)
It is really an eventful day as the 2 special occasions happen to fall on the same day. OH! Not to forget, it is 1 of my aunt's birthday too. Special date huh? =)
Although it is only the maternal side that I can visit this year, the house was filled with festivity and laughter that happens only once a year.
A reunion I should say. For all my cousins, aunties and uncles to come together under a roof to eat, chat, play with the babies.
And although I waited until late afternoon before the arrival of my relatives, it was definitely worth the wait.
HAHA! But the period of waiting time was not productive because I was madly engrossed with "Hi, my sweetheart." Ah, I think I can finish watching it even before Kelvin comes back. Ahh.. Talking about him, I am missing him right now. Cause at the back of my mind, I keep thinking that he is overseas now. Nevertheless, he sent me greetings and well wishes for the 2 occasions.
I feel really blissful to have such a big family on my maternal side as I was reminded of how some unfortunate people are unable to celebrate it with their families.
Conclusion to be made: Happiness is something simple to achieve but at the same time, simple to lose. For just an action, or words from the mouth that can destroy it for that moment and forever.
Friday was spent with Kelvin and e4 mates.
A common topic for Chinese composition in primary school. I will never forget that haha.
Celebrated Valentines in advance. Celebrated Marcus construction worker's birthday at Chevrons too. And it was combined with his sister's birthday celebration. Was so happy to meet up with old school classmates after so long. Another reunion. We sat on the swings under the stars, singing, laughing, taking pictures and talking. Stayed till quite late and got scolded a bit when I reached home.
ANYWAY, so sorry for being such a spoilsport whenever anyone ask me out. Cause it so happen that I am caught up with something on that day and plus I am really busy now with the exam dates so near. I promise that I will make it up to you guys especially darling and church peeps. Please forgive me.Thanks so much!
I found another meaning to "Actions speak louder than words." A more positive perspective I guess.
Here goes, A person can be bad at expressing himself with words, but more than words, through actions, everything shows. And a person has proved this to me.
Tired, off to finishing an episode before sleeping with the green sweater.