A certain kind of sadness, that cannot be described or explained in words..
Seems like everyone's leaving, no one's staying..
Where have you been, my pillar of strength?
I've been waiting for way too long. Won't you come back to me right away? I need you now.
We're back to square 1 again and here we go again. Don't you know that the type of perfection that you're looking for doesn't even exist?
It really isn't easy being me. Being a middleman for every thing, being a mediator, being a listener, being a caregiver, considering others before me, compromising even if it means that I have to give up certain things.
I know that I may not be the one who's going through the most, but I've really tried my very best to stay strong, and I know I have to hang in there.
I know I can do this, no one else but me.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Met up with Pris today after so loooonggg.
Like cause we were both UBER busy that we hardly have the time to talk even on whatsapp, but just like what we've said before, how close a friendship is is not defined by the frequencies of meetups but more of just a feeling kinda thing. Which I really think it's true.
We had the awesomest Aglio and Pizza at Peps!
It was really really so good that we can't help but ask for moreeee.
And I think even up till now, the taste is still lingering on my taste bud and we've still got garlicy breath from the Aglio Olio!
Satisfied my ice cream craving at Island Creamery, and NPY had her favourite Red Velvet Cake.
Didn't know where to go, what to do so I decided to pop by at the Lian's to do some homework and at the same time slackkkk at npy's place.
So........ Study session was not conducive mainly cause Pris just finished her exams and it's now her hols so totally no reason for her to be studying during this period.
Started watching funny Youtube videos and napped for 50mins before waking up to do some work.
Goodnight peeps, I'm tired.


Moshi Monster tattoos

K session with the K khakis!

The skies

Didn't know where to go, what to do so I decided to pop by at the Lian's to do some homework and at the same time slackkkk at npy's place.
So........ Study session was not conducive mainly cause Pris just finished her exams and it's now her hols so totally no reason for her to be studying during this period.
Started watching funny Youtube videos and napped for 50mins before waking up to do some work.
Goodnight peeps, I'm tired.
Moshi Monster tattoos
K session with the K khakis!
The skies
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
日记本里的一面: 送给你的一篇
Sunday, November 18, 2012
And I swear by the moon and the stars I'll be there..
Blogging using Keith's com now.
At his place and gonna accompany him on a Sunday afternoon just before he books in later in the evening!
His booking in time is getting earlier and earlier and that means lesser time for us.
Ah well.. Just gotta make good use of the shorter time left on weekends.
I really treasure the time spent together.
Busy week coming ahead.
Sunday school children's camp coming Thursday.
Last meeting ended just not at 1.
Went through the whole schedule once again.
Hope that we've really got everything that we need and all the preparation work will be done by then.
Quite excited yet nervous for the camp.
Although I'm not a very shy person, but when it comes to teaching the kids new praise & worship songs WITH actions, I get nervous.
Like not sure if I'll lose the attention from them or not, whether they can follow well etc.
And it's really not easy since they're young kiddos and may get quite fidgety after a while..
Will always put all these worries/concerns in my prayer.
And I believe that God will bring me through. =3
Da jie will be flying to Indo with Daddy on the last week of this month and I won't be following cause I've got classes.
Just hope that they can buy lotsa good food back!!! ^^
Rainy weather makes me feel like sleepingggggg... Zzzzzzz.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Rudolph, the white-nose reindeer (*^O^*)
He is the only one who is able to make me sacrifice my sleep just to bring him down!
It's midweek already peeps!
And for me, it is a Workaholic Wednesday~!
The sense of guilt has been plaguing me since the weekends.
I told myself that I gotta make things right this week.
And that means catching up on all my tutorials and lecture stuff.
Yesterday was Deepavali and so how did you guys spend it?
I spent mine at my Uncle's place for a usual gathering with all my Aunties and cousins. It was really noisy over at their place because the Aunties basically spend the whole afternoon whipping up their well-liked dishes, drinking coffee, chatting, singing and all other sorts of common activities that they share!
And yesterday, I went for a swim with them in the morning and I was 1 hour late for the meetup in the pool. LOL as usual.
Was told that they'll be swimming at 9 and I had to wake up at 8 if I were to join them. And I always feel that I am so deprived of sleep these few days, I decided to forego the 1st hour and sleep in till around 9 before my mum came knocking on my door asking me to wake up.
And so, I packed my stuff in a hurry and prepared myself as quickly as I could.
It was really fun swimming with them as it felt so much more interactive and lively as compared to swimming laps alone.
So, the deal was 1 hour of swim and 3 hours of non-stop eating. What a good deal uh?
But I'm sure my mushy tummy enjoys it the most! ;)
Yes, I know my facial expression, seriously feel like punching.
Another outlet opening soon at Parkway Parade Food Republic! Eggcited for its opening!
Newly renovated!
Ok, that's all for now! Don't really have the luxury of time to blog more about my relatives coming to SG.=(
Wednesday, November 07, 2012
A lover's concerto..
<A Lover's Concerto>
How gentle is the rain,
that falls gently on the meadow.
Birds high up in the tree,
Serenade the clouds with their melody.
You hold me in your arms,
and say once again you love me.
And if your love is true,
Everything will just as wonderful
你的体贴 温暖了我的心
你的体贴 温暖了我的心
就像倾盆大雨 舍不得淋湿爱你的心
我要唱给你听 陶醉在你给的甜蜜
就像倾盆大雨 舍不得淋湿爱你的心
我要唱给你听 陶醉在你给的甜蜜
Monday, November 05, 2012
It's Monday again!
Crazy with admiring them! My pretty pedicure ^^
Zoo plasters to cheer me up and hopefully my injured finger too.
Hey NPY! You really mean a lot to me ;)
We were trying to do some old man old lady poses with our specs, as though we are short sighted. Mine's a non-degree one though.
Chilling session with darling on a lazy monday afternoon ^^
Duo tone chocolate brownie!
Needless to say, my all time fave (L)
Falling asleep while waiting for his fave apple~!
KO! Seoul Garden w Keith on Friday!
Super cute cupcake!
Cafe Latte at Habitat Coffee.
Big Ben!
Tomorrow is Monday again!
And that means 1hr econs tutorial followed by 3hrs maths lecture.
YIPPEE YA YAYY! Last math lecture tomorrow and I'm done with this module. Oh wait, there's still constant revision to be done before the exams come May. ='< That's my birthday month and my 21st birthday.
Ah well, who knows I may not even throw a party because after a discussion with Licheng this afternoon in church, he told me he doesn't really like the inevitable awkwardness during such events.
And that was 1 of my considerations as well when I started thinking of my 21st.
Maybe I'll just celebrate with my different groups of friends and family as well as Keith!
Weekends were well spent, with fellowship in church and great meals with Keith today and on Friday!
Reallyyyyyyyyyy, every week pass by super quickly without me knowing, or rather, within a blink of an eye.
Cause it's just school, simple meetups with friends, church and weekends with Keith.
School has been rather hectic, with quite a handful of weekly tutorials to be attempted. And I haven't even included revisions yet. YES IKR.
But I know that this time, there's no more time to waste and I should go all out to pursue what I want.
And still, I'm learning to manage my time well.
Ya know, the sense of guilt always make its presence known whenever I'm having my leisure time sitting in front of the TV catching-up on my shows and watching all those singing competitions.
I don't know since when, I just love to watch people sing. It's just pure enjoyment when I feel that the person sings really well and is able to bring out the meaning of the lyrics.
I guess I get emotionally connected to the singers/participants when they perform their song.
Especially after they do their little sharing of their background and why they chose this route.
November's gonna be a busy, BUSY month.
- Children Camp (22-24th)
- Storytelling on the 4th week
- December 1st Program
And it's not about the quantity, it's about the "weight" of each item listed on top.
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