Wednesday, June 28, 2006

mr g0h...dun g0...

haix...realli veri xtremely damn sad 2dae...we g0t ph0t0 takin 2dae den at first we th0t mr g0h cant take wid his f0rm class lerrs...den we veri sad lia0z...haiXx...and i realli dun lik our new tcher n0w l0rs...dunn0 w0t mr h0ng...his face veri unfrenly l0ok...lik make u dun feel lik makin frens wid him de l0rs...i realli prefer mr g0h!!haiXx...den we persuade him 2 stay until we g0 up 2 sec 3 but he cant d0 tat...haiXx...but wen we n0e dat he can take ph0t0 wid his class we were lik damn happi!!den alm0st all de gurls l0ok at him wen he takin de class ph0t0 l0rs...haiXx...tinkin ab0ut de bad tings we did 2 him last yr i realli feel damn guilty and h0pe dat he can stay l0nger...HAIX...den i oredi g0nna cry lerrs l0rs...den he still kept on askin us 2 be c0operative wid de other tcher den i was lik dun wan lahs...den de m0re he t0k de m0re i feel lik cryin den aft dat i realli cant stand it lerrs l0rs...den i br0ke d0wn...haiXx...den al0t of ppl saw...den i s0o pai seh...den dear pat pat mi sae dun cry...den they all g0 tell him i cry den i hide bhind dear...s0o pai seh lahs...den he kept on askin mi y i cry den i c0ver my face...dun wanna sh0w him i cryin l0rs...den ally mummi started 2 cry oso...haiXx...den priscilla ah ma oso...realli dun wanna c him g0 l0rs...he s0o cute...LOL...i admit tat i hated him al0t last yr but n0w i dun...i n0e he gave us s0o mani remedials is 4 our own g0od...c0z practically al0t of ppl impr0ved tremend0usly l0rs...aft he taught us...haix...den i decided 2 buy him a present...we realli lurve him 2 teach us...=( =( =(

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