ohh.. i'm really tired.. had dance for today and yesterday.. actually there's also dance tomorrow but its being cancelled.. PHEW.. haha.. XD and today elle neh come den damn funny la.. we couldn't practise carrying.. woah.. today did quite a few stretching.. yesterday i went back and did stretching and today my butt ache like shiet! haha.. XD today was quite a boring day i thought.. coz there was english common test! the vocab part was kinda difficult.. but i remembered that i promised someone to aim for 85 and above.. difficult la! haha.. XD really sorry if i can't make it.. =( today's speak up speak out programme was SUPER boring! and there was 2 ss lessons.. i was listening for the first 1/3 of the lesson but after that i was too distracted with my notebook.. i kept writing many things inside.. having a notebook is always good.. can jot down notes and also write things down whenever you feel like it! once i write i can't stop! there are like so many things to write all of the sudden! haha.. and physics lessons were fun! although there was 3 lessons straight after recess, we did an experiment.. and that was reflection.. ARGH! i was so fed up with it coz i just couldn't get my angles right and accurate.. always +-(1).. and i took quite some time to finish the whole experiment.. jia qi, li jing and breascilla nu peng you completed it earlier den me.. and they started taking photos with jia qi phone! they were like hiding underneath the bench and i was curious so i went over to ask them what were they doing! haha.. suspicious.. and we were sitting at the first row la! like wot the hell.. den when we stood up mr aw was like looking at me and asked me wot was i doing.. den i replied nothing nothing.. =X i really gotta buck up for my physics! i can do it! i believe i can.. and talked a lot with girlfriends just now during recess.. we talked about the things we want to get when we go out to shop shop! XD online shopping with elle sis was also very fun! actually she said that she wanted to bring her pink backpack but i guess that she thinks that its not very nice so she didn't bring it.. online shopping is really fun at times when i'm too lazy to go out or have nothing to do at home! XD its really good to see the nice clothings, bling bling accesories! and everything.. bye bye! i'm gonna do it now!
today's programme is really boring.. ZZZ.. i ran outta class soo many times! haha.. XD today i really miss him alot.. and i went home with wan xin after the financial thing! what's worse is that there's another one tmr! and the trainers are like so fed up cause our class is really very noisy! haha.. XD typical e4! i really love the sesame street file i got ytd!! haha.. used it immediately today.. and today towards the end of the programme, we had to fill in a form that is like we went to sign up for a credit card wan.. we laughed like mad la! we wrote total crap on it! the name is lik e sexy tan ah ma.. den the name to be appeared on the card is horny me.. it was hua zhong's idea though! and job is toilet cleaner.. blah blah.. laughed out loud.. anw, i was really irritated by the way some people behave and everything.. will you all just stop criticising others?! without thinking how others would feel.. and hurting others.. its not like all of you are perfect! and stop gaining attention from all of us! you won't get it alright?! you all are just making a fool of yourselves.. thinking that everything is funny and just kept shooting without thinking what you all are saying.. brainless idiots! irritating pests! disgusting attitude! its not like all of you are angels and are perfect right?! kept laughing and criticising others! bunch of useless freaks! still speak so loudly and disturbing others who wants to listen in class.. don't think that all of you are doing well in your studies gives you all the rights to do such silly and selfish acts! >:(
woo.. i need to cool down.. this irritating people are just getting on my nerves.. i really need to vent my anger here! today's chinese compo was on something like that.. XD i feel that we have the rights to vent our anger here and voice out our thoughts on something! haha.. XD and also, lynette, don't keep everything to yourself! you have me! haha.. XD i love you girl!
i'm really happy today.. thank you for everything my darling! haha.. XD went out with ernest today coz today is the 14th.. and its also breascillanupengyou and auntie cita's birthday.. i bought a spongebob clutch at tampines mall just now and gave it to my sister.. her birthday is coming up next wednesday! haha.. XD but i can't go out with her coz i've got dance.. =( wished priscilla just now when she was in church i called her and wish her.. scared me.. i thought she was in service.. haha.. XD but she wasn't.. anw, just now took mrt all the way to tampines mall.. woah.. soo many people there! and the first store we went in was toysrus and we came out with a packet of sour tapes.. o.0 and actually we wanted to do sand art but i guess its alright.. soo many kids and people there! haha.. XD and we went to urban concept to get my sister's clutch.. there are many collections there! soo cool.. including sesame street! XD and we walked around.. nothing much so we took mrt to amk hub.. walked around there.. wanted to find my maid's present but.. didn't find anything suitable and not enough $$.. XD so we went to eat pratas! it was really nice and seats were limited.. but thank god we found one quite fast.. all thanks to ernest.. his eyes were sharp.. and my sis called to rush me home and get a cake for auntie cita and so we took mrt back to bukit batok and bought 2 small cakes at emicakes.. its very minute but looks nice! and he took bus home with me then he go home.. haha.. XD really enjoyed every moment with him.. actually we wanted to catch a movie but there's no movies we want to watch soo.. haha.. XD
anw, dear wan xin was very sweet.. she smsed me this morning and wished me happy anniversary and sms her or call her if there's any probs.. thanks dear for always being there for me.. and also thanks ELLE SISTER!! she bought something for me yesterday while shopping.. she didn't want to tell me what she got for me though.. i guess she wants to give me a surprise.. but i really want to express my gratitude to her!! THANKS MY DEAR ELLE SISTER! I LOVE YOU! haha.. XD its also very sweet of her.. ok la.. i'm tired.. i'm still waiting for the pizzes that we ordered.. i guess it'll take a very long time coz today is saturday.. =( but we had dinner first! tata everybody!
ohh.. sorry ppl for taking such a long time before blogging but i'm really busy for de past few days.. sincerely apologise.. anw, today i was rather sad coz i flunked my science prac exams.. i'm lik soo nervous and everything.. i told myself i can do it but in the end.. haiyoyo.. and nette was also very sad about it.. i'll really learn from my mistakes and do better in future.. and i didn't really see him today.. =( coz he have to rush his dnt coursework and stuff.. and tmr i'll wait for him to finish it i think? haha.. XD train my patience.. but i'm willing to wait.. and today, we went to great world together to look at the bag wan xin found.. but sadly, we didn't manage to find it.. its ok dear.. don't need to feel bad or anything.. i'm fine with it.. she was really sad and disappointed when she can't find the shop.. but its really ok.. =) at least we had fun going there together.. LOL.. XD and we took the same train as teeheehee.. he brought us to the bus stop coz we really had no idea which bus stop to take bus from.. thanks brother! =)
marcus is really a big bully! haha.. XD first, he used the splinters that he stole from the chem lab and used it to tickle me when i was unaware! =X and today, he poured water on my skirt coz i did it first on him.. =X but he poured alot la! and i felt soooo cold.. tis morning all of us got a bad dressing down by mrs tan.. i think she's having pms.. =X i seriously think soo.. and during the SPEAK UP SPEAK OUT program, there was a blue bottle flying around and it was rather scary! =O and it was flying around our area and mrs tan saw it and grab it with her hand.. DISGUST! XD
it is a very long time since i had a heart to heart talk with nettes.. and just now we talked quite alot.. aiyoyo girl arh.. don't think too much.. its bad for the heart and mind.. XD and i don't really like logarithms.. it can get complicated at times.. XD tata ppl..