ok.. finally i can post my blog after getting most of the pictures but not all.. shall edit it once i get more pictures! it was really a fun and colourful day! i think only the upper sec is really enthusiastic about the whole thing maybe because its the last few years in bukit view and they really wanna join in the fun and everything? haha.. XD and there was this fashion show which was quite nice too! haha.. XD really impressed by jia qi's courage to go up to the stage for this modelling stuff.. although she kept laughing when saying her piece but to me she really did her best already.. but after school was rather boring because ernest has stupid geog remedials and i can't wait for him because i have dental appointment at 3 pm.. haha.. XD waited 3 hours exactly at the dental clinic.. its always like that every time.. its counted as the norm.. alright alright.. went in exactly at 6.. it was really scary because you won't know what would the dentist do to your teeth and you can only lie down and look up at the ceiling.. and this time it was really different from the past few times.. the way she tightened for me.. i felt that she did something too all my teeth! and she was like trying to pull out something from my teeth? and the staff nurse was like comforting me.. kept telling me it was alright.. it'll be over soon.. i was really very scared.. =(( and the dentist said that my teeth is quite nice already.. but she put this extra thing on every of my bracket to stabilise my teeth so that it won't move ler.. woo! that means i can take it out soon.. but i still have to put on that stupid retainers! BOOHOO! X( then after that at night, my sister invited some of her good friends over for a bbq downstairs.. i enjoyed eating! haha.. XD ate like no one's business.. i love the pasta my maid cooked and the potatoes with mayo and bacos! it was SUPERB! thumbs up! haha.. XD and then michelle called and ask me to meet her before tuition.. didn't want to go because it was really a tiring day for me and my teeth was painful! kinda slack too! and zy is going to quit soon.. because he can't cope with it and is very tired.. i understand brother! and we'll be having tuition tmr! and my sister's friends stayed overnight.. i slept quite early as i was really VERY tired! my sister's friends told her that i was very fierce.. expected that they would say that.. but i was really tired.. haha.. XD
today went down with my mum to do her hair.. but i didn't do anything so i like accompanied her there and came home with her.. actually wanted to see our backpacks but she has no time because she have to rush to a wedding dinner at sentosa.. 0.o then she kept complaining that its troublesome for the transportation.. haha.. XD and we had a good chat just now.. =) i can actually confide in my mother for most of the things.. =) i love her! alright then.. came home and rot.. called soo many people and asked them to come out with me but they can't.. neh mind then.. came home did some online shopping with elle sis.. haha.. XD we were like wow here and wow there! hahaha.. and she is looking for ballet stuffs.. hehehe.. i really miss ET!
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