WOO! tomorrow is teacher's day and the last day of term 3! but it also means the coming of short term 4 which is the term of end of year exams! i must do well in it! haha. XD and really thank God for the good results of my log test! and i brought back many of my books for revision and i've got tons of homework! especially maths! haha. XD and i already wrote down my schedule for the 1 week holidays. tomorrow is GREAT! coz there will only be celebrations and school will end very early. but, i've got dental appointment and maths tuition at night! =( BOOHOO!
had lots of fun today in school with LI JING! during the morning assembly and debates in the hall, we kept laughing and playing like nobody's business! XD this is a form of distress and we should really play as much as possible before the arrival of next year which is the crucial year! and i'm really glad mrs ong is back! i've got this strong feeling of security. i'm not saying that mr goh is not good in teaching maths but he can't handle big classes. and the whole class would be in chaos. XD and during maths kept laughing with munyee, yang jie and that desmond. yang jie kept claiming that he is pytha and i told him that i'll be newton. and that dumb jia qi was late and didn't put on her contacts and her sight wasn't really clear. XD this girl ar! during physics, learnt quite alot. but i was really sleepy and bored out during the last period. wouldn't any normal human beings feel the same way if he/she have 3 theory lessons straight? haha. XD i was so tired yet straight after physics, mdm lock just came in and gave us our chem test. anw, yu wei, don't feel bad anymore! just remember not to do it in future! XD waited for that ernest and went home together. carried lots of books home but he lend a helping hand and took it for me. XD thanks!
and my sister and her friends baked nice cookies for tomorrow! i kept eating them. and so did milo! haha. XD that greedy pig. and whenever you don't give him, he'll start whining non-stop like a small little baby! my sis finally bought a magazine for me as promised! and above are some pictures. =)
try these lame games!