those were pictures taken on friday.
anw, i'm really gonna flunk my english orals! it was the first time i'm doing picture discussion. and at the back those contractors just kept drilling like no one's business! i'm like trying to shout at the top of my voice. and ms ang took the class beside me. the candidate that she was testing when i was sitting outside was far too LOUD! he was like shouting aloud instead of reading aloud. shan't say who was that. and i'm like planning for next week's holidays programmes already. on the weekends, going to work to earn back my savings and go crazy! then on monday, go to megan wong's house to celebrate her 10 year old birthday! XD that girl is growing older and becoming more cheeky! wednesday will have chemistry and physics remedials which will be damn long and boring! but i must work hard and listen in class coz end of year exams will be coming very soon! i must really buck up! thursday will be wan xin dear coming to my house to STUDY! coz her mum will be working around this area. really hope we can study. and friday will be girlfriend's outing day! gonna go crazy and shop like mad! i can't wait! woah. what a meaningful week right? XD tomorrow there'll be vocab test. i'll go dig for it now!
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