these few days in school were fun! together with nupengyou, banana and of course michelle darling! haha. XD she was absent for school as she overslept. what a pig! but it was actually cause her mum woke the wrong person up. history department planning a trip to europe during the june holidays. i really wanted to go. but i started to think of the pros & cons. like if i go, it would be a short break for me just before my os and i can better understand history when i go there as i will be able to see the real and magnificent buildings and historical sites where hitler used to be ruling there. LOL! this will aid me in my history as i don't have to memorise word for word directly from the book without even having the knowledge or information of the things i'm studying of. and the cons are, not being able to really enjoy myself there as i'll be panicking over my os and it is rather tiring as it will be a 12 days trip and at the same time very costly. but i've not been on a school trip tgt with my friends so this is a golden opportunity. but still must consider carefully. and the day before was mun yee's b'day. we stay back to celebrate her b'day and also to complete our maths homework. and after a while, there was a heavy downpour and we were all stuck in the school. that day, there was a lunch buffet prepared for staffs and we were so tempted to steal them. haha. XD actually just busybody la. then we kept eyeing the food and were caught red handed by mrs grace ong. XD and mr ho offered us some dessert which was very special. it is water chestnut inside and red sago on the inside. so chewy! and they played with whip cream and mun yee's face was full of whip cream. and the whip cream seriously stinks like mad! it is vomit inducing. and i asked her to go to the toilet behind the canteen to at least wash off all the whip cream that was on her hair. XD and they started the trend of playing truth or dare and the dare was really embarrassing! lol. but i didn't join in though. and we found that nupengyou and xiuxiu went missing. went around to look for them but to no avail. after that found out that they were being santarinas & rudolph helping out the teachers in exchanging gifts. so me and wan ting became the reindeers and help to carry the box. and ms siti, one of the staff in the hods, asked us to look after the hod room for her while she go out for a while. and we started exploring the hod room. rather small but warm i think. coz every teachers can put their personal stuff like pictures and drawings. so cool right? and they have their own space. can sit there and day dream, take a short nap or whatsoever. and after exploring, ms siti returned with candy cane for us. the christmas ones. it was minty and sweet. nice!
yesterday, during pe, we were supposed to take our height & weight as usual. mr tan brought us to the hall to play some games which are like sec 1 orientation games before bringing us to take our height & weight. although the game has been played before again and again, but it was really fun playing tgt as a whole class! i team up with nupengyou and nana. and no one wants to be the one in the middle so we couldn't even start the first round as me and nana were trying so hard to get priscilla to be the middleman. XD anyway, the new weighing cum height machine is so not accurate! and we went vegeterian. not bad la. the new vendor. and i didn't go for dance as i wasn't quite feeling well. break voice. =X so i went home earlier, ate and bathed then came out to meet ernest for dinner before going for tuition. and i became very sick all of a sudden. and i thought of going home but i felt very bad as i promised to accompany him for dinner yet i broke his promise. so i sat down and rested a while and felt much better after a while. so i decided to go ahead with our dinner so as not to disappoint him. and i really want to thank him for making me feel so much better. and hope he enjoyed his yong tau foo. and nupengyou called me, michelle called me, marcus called me asking if i was going for tuition but i told them not. so i planned to give them a surprise by going for tuition without informing them. surprise! and i wasn't the latest. marcus & hao jie came later because of their cca. and we were so excited talking about the series of events that will be taking place during the cny period. the karaoke competition, the dance and choir performances blah blah. that mr goh was so pissed off as we were really off topic and very distracted. but i was really energetic, don't know why and was able to capture more information. wasn't so restless. and we thought of joining the competition as a group as this was the last year in bukit view but yea. not sure yet.
mich darling off to work today in novena. but i'll try to visit her. and my elder sis was running a fever! =( she is always sick on sats while i'm always sick on fri. oh my! and i'm going off to office with mummy later as she has a lot of office work to be done and me, tons of weekend assignments. maybe i'll go shopping afterwards as i have got lots of things to get. just updated my wardrobe last weekend. happy! and i miss elle! she's so busy with work now that she hardly have time to go out. hope that we can meet up somedays. tata!
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