Sunday, February 22, 2009

maybe you didn't think that things would be as serious, maybe you thought it was just for fun.

maybe cause you know that you are not the one who's gonna take up the responsibilty, maybe you took it too lightly.

and now i become your scapegoat, cause you shirked all the responsibility on me.

you just used me to get back at him and then pretended that nothing happened.

how courageous! what a gentleman.

fortunately, the person did not take it to heart, or else, i promise to never ever talk to you again.

life's like that, isn't it? when something good happens, everyone becomes your friend.

but when something bad happens, and you try calling out for someone, look who will be there for you.

so practical. human's behaviour. who to blame? ZZ. i will never ever trust you in future.

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