alright it's time i share my indonesia experience i think. =)
really big thanks to all those who made their way to airport to send me off. it was really a surprise. =) went into the departure hall and saw this real cool shop that sells special candies such as the overgrown chupa chups which contains around 15 lollies inside? but it costs $20+. anyway, i took tiger airlines this time round, the flight was real fast and quite comfortable i should say. the whole duration was only 1 and a half hours? reached the airport but our cousins have not reached yet so we decided to snack at macdonalds first. we were greeted by a traffic jam once we reach there. well it was expected. but i kept napping in the car since i was tired due to jet lag. had mie dinner at emporium mall. the mall was BIG! hehe. reached the apartment quite late. it was old, not well-maintained and gives me the scary feeling. but i was too tired to bother. thanks for the night 1 letter. =)
the second day was mostly spent on shopping at mangga dua and resting in the apartment. but i felt a bit giddy probably due to the late hair wash the night before. and i did not dry my hair totally before sleeping. =X
the car ride was jerky and the air con could not reach the back seats. aw man. that further aggravated my condition. actually mangga dua has a lot of nice clothes and apparels to shop from. but too bad it is always crowded, stuffy and some times smelly. which makes my shopping experience bad.. my giddiness soon turned into headache. and it was really bad. however, i managed to get a few tops and tees. =) had mee keriting ( curly noodles) for lunch. it's like a must have every time we go back to jakarta. had nice pempek (fishcake) for teabreak too. had trouble bargaining for the prices so i had to ask my sis for help.
took dinner with pak pak and kor kor jeffry. my dad's eldest brother. it was porridge and other dishes. and it was nice! especially for a patient like me. i took a paracetamol pill which relieved my headache. bought dunkin donuts and eaton bread for supper and next morning's breakfast. i've learnt how to converse in behasa indonesia a little better. =) thanks night 2 letter.
although i was not in singapore, but i still feel the passion and love for my own country. =) sang national day songs on the car with my sis. then, i was thinking of milo and my exams. how is he? and gotta start my revision when i return to singapore. at the same time, started thinking of every thing in singapore. went to Stephen Tong's church at sunter. had swikee (frog leg) lunch with pak pak niap and his sons. it was nice. but i prefer the fried ones. after which, went to this BIG mall to ice skate. haha it was fun. but i had to teach mavis while marilyn had to teach aunty cita. haha. met up with angela, hans and his friend to skate together. it was funny how we converse in behasa indonesia. LOL. tried our best to understand each other.
went for fish + laughing therapy. could not stop giggling when we first put our legs in. it was actually 25 minutes but we went for 2 rounds since we had to wait for mum, dad, sis and cousin. after which, we all suffered from post massage symptoms. all of us felt very sleepy. LOL. had late dinner at hay thien. some where near our apartment. it was a nice steamboat dinner. cause the waitresses cooked for us! and we ate it dry. it was special. and different from the way we take steamboat in singapore. we had to dip our food into sesame oil and then add some spices. it was more of diy. reached the apartment quite late. and the water supply was being cut off due to some plumbering works. WHAT THE HECK RIGHT!? lousy. then we gathered water sources and due to the scarce resources, we had to make use of the water wisely and carefully. thanks night 3 letter.
breakfast: pop mie + apel tea and teh botol. woke up late and started packing my bag. felt really fresh after a bath. sunflower = bunga mata hari! checked out of the apartment. we shared our experience about the apartment. it was definitely not a positive one. then, daddy fetched us to view a showflat. it is an apartment by the sea. THUMBS UP! it was really a good location and costs about a HDB flat in singapore. really worth it. but we still have to consider about it. maybe it can be our vacation house? =)
gugu dai ordered chinese food delivery and it was really nice and simple. the dishes weren't too salty. had a heart to heart talk with popo. she really has good memory. she even remembered the times when i was naughty. i accused my sis of her bullying me when i was the one who bullied her. =_= lol!
recap for the past 3 days. fed the mosquitoes. bought some accessories at former megamal. known as pluit village now. took susu go's car to the airport. encountered with a jam due to road works. but we still made it to the airport on time, actually even earlier. bought a small coronet from beard papa's. vanilla filling. wa super cold and shiok ar! niceee~
fly back, feeling tired but satisfied. =)
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