Sunday, January 24, 2010

AWW SO CUTE RIGHT?! Look at his beady eyes!

BURGER! He have got too many toys and gets confused at times when I ask him to get me a certain toy. CUTE BOY!
But it is so difficult to take pictures of him cause he always shun away. Act cool only.
These are taken with our new camera. =)

This is just extra.

ONCE AGAIN, my itchy hands have to do something to my fringe and they did. They cut my fringe. LOL! Crap, I think it looks a bit like bangs now? Cause it is neither straight not slant cut. =_=

How muddle-headed can I get.
2 nights ago, I was so tired from doing my things that I decided to rest a while on my bed.
While resting, I fell asleep all the way till 6+ am in the morning and my lappy was still on but my room light is being switched off by daddy. =_=


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