Monday, October 18, 2010

Lovely <333
Blurry picture!

Hey guys!!
Chilling + Chatting session begins!
We spell L-O-V-E!
Hello, good morning!
I was so reluctant to get up from bed this morning, the weather makes me wanna just snuggle up under my blankie and not wake up! ^^
It seems like I've got so many things left undone..
Project, Storytelling, Hair Treatment Session, Cooking lessons. Did I miss out anything?
But the holidays are coming to an end soon, and very soon it'll be an exciting school term awaiting. With tons of work and projects. That's when we all get busy AGAIN!
However, I should be glad that I will have 1 less project to do next semester because we're currently working on it. =)
Meeting up with my lovely project mates later for our project discussion. And I feel so lost about 2 companies because I barely took down any notes. =S But, I believe that when more heads come together to think, it will be much more productive.

And so, as requested, Mavis got her hermit crabs.
They really look so naked when they are out of their shells. And those shells don't actually belong to them.
They are just stealing other sea creatures' shells to hide their naked bodies. =X
And they behave like very shy or rather "ashame" creatures due to their "hiding" nature.
And I was really glad that Daddy did some research before purchasing them at Serangoon.
He wanted to train Mavis' patience too and not let her get her way all the time. Like get what she want immediately. Because clearly, he doesn't want to spoil her. Good job Daddy!
Despite the distance, he managed to get the full set which includes the tank, sand etc. for $67!!
So much cheaper than the price quoted by the storekeeper at PS!!
And I broke her promise of bringing her to the Night Safari for Halloween.
Big Sis is going in place of me since I've been there before. Thank you and sorry!
I'm just so afraid I may lose my patience while queuing up and outburst in front of the kids. =X

Ok, time to go bath and get ready to go to school.
Thanks Jasper for that unnecessary phone call! =)

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