Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Different Perspectives.

Things get very different, when you view it from different points of view.
Instead of complaining how much time is taken away from work, why not say that the time not spent on working can be better treasured and spent for my other commitments?
Instead of concluding a person is stupid, why not think of the opportunities to teach him/her from scratch and make them a better educated person?
Instead of saying that a glass of water is half empty, why not see it as half filled?
I am so tired right now I gotta go to bed already.

Impromptu speech topic for the day:
28. Political: Are Singaporeans ready for a non-Chinese Prime Minister or female Prime Minister?
1st reaction: OH SHIET! So lucky?!?!
2nd reaction: Charmaine HOW?!?!
3rd reaction: Search google: Are Singaporeans ready for a non-Chinese Prime Minister or female Prime Minister?
4th reaction: Walked up to the centre of the class, 3 minutes of fame starts and there I went blabbering non stop about the racial issues, forgetting to talk about Obama and much less about the gender issue.
5th reaction: BYEBYE!

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