Saturday, November 04, 2006

2dae quite fun and of c0z tired...LOL...XD 2dae dear wan xiin b0oked de billiard rm frm 12-2pm...den we were supp0sed 2 meet at clementi mrt at 11.30am...but guess w0t...?! i was late...and it was s0o n0rmal...haha...XD b4 g0in out i still t0kin 2 dear wan xiin on msn den my mum ask mi g0 out faster or else ltr late...haha...XD she sae i always late de...LOL...XD den i let 2 ppl wait 4 mi...i reached ter at ab0ut 11.55am ba...sry h0n3y and qi heng heng...=X den wan xinn dear b0ught lunch 4 her sis and herself...and we b0ught lunch 4 ourselves t0o...but actualli...i'm n0t de lastest...XD LOL...

hua zh0ng br0ther is de latest c0z he knew it oni 2dae dat we g0in wan xinn hse...den i xpected j0j0 and bryan 2 cum...but they went 2 lavender 2 renew their passp0rts s0o dat bryan can g0 h0n3ym0on wid my h0n3y minns...? LOL...XD and they saw mr g0h...haiXx...i miss him s0o damn much sia...and minns,nettes and ha0 jie cant cum c0z they g0t osl and aft dat they nid 2 g0 buy their tings 2 g0 yunnan de...den its lik s0o sian dia0...den aft we play 2 games...j0j0 and bryan came...they j0gged and walk in...? LOL...XD i'm surprised they can find their way in c0z ONG WAN XIN c0nd0 is s0o inside...lik mus turn here and ter...make mi s0o c0nfused all de time...den aft mi and heng heng b0ught our lunch and 4 hua zh0ng oso...we t0ok a cab 2 find hua zh0ng and 2 g0 2 dear wan xinn hse...

and heng heng paid 4 de ride...thnx arhs!! den wen we reach her hse its oredi 12++...we wasted quite sum time c0z of mi huh...? sry peeps...=X and we br0ught our f0od int0 de billiard rm 2 eat and g0t chased out...DAMN!! and we ate until 12.30pm and went int0 play...first game was ONG WAN XIN vs TEE HEE HEE...LOL...XD dats w0t minns always call him...ok...and den aft dat was de n0ob team...mi and hua zh0ng br0ther played...and miracul0usly he w0n...OH MY!! dats s0o ABn0rmal...haha...XD den j0j0 and bryan came...den s0on it was 2 and we t0ok de shuttle bus 2 clementi mrt and dunn0 wer 2 g0...we were stucked ter 4 quite sum time...

and dat bryan was s0o retarded due 2 de j0j0 parti...he was bein influenced...LOL...XD den bryan kept saein he wan g0 w0odlands...haha...XD he cant wait 2 c his darling chang err...LOL...XD am i rite my br0ther?! den i sae aiya...g0 jur0ng lahs...anw nettes and mich is ter and ltr minns and ally will g0 d0wn 2 ter mahs...den we went 2 JEC...and nettes was at de sal0n dyin her dat l0ng strand of hair purplish red c0l0ur and mich cuttin her hair...sh0rt layers...LOL...XD and am0s was ter t0o...den we waited 4 them and went 2 JEC again 2 find minns and ally...

went 2 winter wear...they b0ught sum of their tings 4 their trip 2 yunnan...wah...they r all s0o busi...everidae hav 2 g0 back 2 sch 4 rehearsal...and i'm sure my darling ms ang wld be d0ubly busi...hmm...jus 2 ms ang...dun s0o stressed out kz...? mus rest cums 1st...widout health...u cant d0 aniting...will miss u de...mus take g0od care of urself wen u're in yunnan kz...? lurve u...=)

den at JEC kept playin wid j0j0 bryan hua zh0ng br0ther and qi heng heng...haha...XD den they played arcade and mich and nettes play DDR...haha...XD den ab0ut 5.30 i went h0me...haha...XD hmm...sry ppl if i didnt sae a g0od bb 2 u all...c0z i was rushin...srysry...

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