Monday, November 30, 2009

Work ended yesterday.. LIKE FINALLY! It was really so tiring that I cannot find a word strong enough to describe how I felt last night. I broke my sales record of selling 0 packet on the first day of exhibition. =_= Ate egg on that day. Except for the purchase made for my mummy. Got her a few packets at a promotional price. Aw man, I didn't even get a chance to do a proper promoting job cause there was really no crowd at all. I think it was due to the Sitex and John Little sales exhibitions. All we see are exhibitors walking around. Patronising each others booth. However, big thanks to all those who supported us at our booth. =)

By giving out free samples, I was able to see the ugly "aunty" side of Singaporeans. It irks me further when they take free samples from us which are not usable for them anymore. =_=

There were also sudoku, pattern memory as well as rubik cube challenges. Impressed with the winner's timing. He took ONLY 3 minutes 55 seconds to complete the sudoku puzzle with accuracy. Beat that man. And he walked away with a thousand dollars. Wa,, if only I had the skills and knowledge to do so. Then I will strike rich and gain even MORE $$ than what I have earned. Boss, Sarah and Fiona joined the competition just for fun. Anyway, the conclusion is, Cassandra is really a very nice person as well as boss. Probably the best that I have ever met..

DSS quiz tomorrow. Gotta finish up my revision. GO YOU CAN DO IT! =)

Thank you God. =)

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