Saturday, December 05, 2009

It has been 2 months. Or maybe even longer, but really, I would like to thank someone special.
Thank you, Kelvin Chew.
Thank you for every single thing that you have done for me.
For these 2 months, what you have done for me and our relationship was worth more than what I needed and wanted.
From the simplest thing to the sacrifices made for me, putting me as the first priority all the time.
No matter how much it takes just to be there for me.
The halloween horror at night safari with the kids. Forgoing your outting with your friends.
Cutting down on gaming just to spend more time with me and prevent me from feeling neglected.
Appearing right in front of me when I feel the lowest and need someone there for me.
Remembering me even when you go for many overseas trips by getting me plenty of souvenirs and writting me letters for every night that you're not with me.
Buying bottles of "liang cha" and my small little cravings to visit me when I am sick.
Giving me wake up calls every morning to ensure that I am not late for school.
Being a good bfs senior by clearing whatever doubts I have in studies.
Being so patient with me when I get upset over recalling the past.
Accepting me for who I am, the flaws that I have.
Not giving up on me,,

Yet, I know that I have not done enough or as much for our relationship and as a girlfriend.
With time, I am sure I will be able to give it my best.
I don't know how far this relationship would bring us, but I remember and hold on to what you have said.
That I should believe in this relationship and most importantly us.
It was funny how we met, even weirder how we got together.
From a senior to a lover.
Not sure if I need you, but I am sure I cannot do without you anymore.
K pipi.

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