Wednesday, July 28, 2010

 How remarkable and memorable..

It is yet another cold and gloomy Wednesday morning.
It is so cold and dark outside but rain haven't seem to come down yet.
I am elated because mummy may be organising a family trip this year end.
She asked me, Korea or Taiwan?
Then I answered, if it's a family trip, Korea, because Taiwan don't seem suitable for the kids.
They will not enjoy the trip because all I can think of when I think of Taiwan is shopping.
And the kids certainly won't like that idea.
So, Korea is a better choice I guess?
The last time I have been there was when I was 9. It was a tightly scheduled yet fun-filled experience!
We went for skiing, ate ginseng chicken porridge (which I didn't really like), went to Lotte World, Jeju (the ghost town where water flow upwards the slope instead of downwards), slept on tatamis during the cold winter and there was a heater for the tatamis which made me snuggle and fell asleep after a while, walking on the streets picking up autumn leaves etc.
Overall, it was indeed a great experience especially learning how to ski and fall on your bum bums. HAHA!

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