Monday, August 09, 2010

It's 45 this year!


 I don't know why but Mavis just love mirror reflections!
Here comes mummy, she was jealous before this because I did not include her in the above photos. =X
Hillview Heights Carpark.
And then, bit by bit I started drinking.
Marilyn say she looks very much like her best friend, Samantha.
Stupid girl went to gulp down the remaining.
AWW! So sweet!
We were just tired.
Happy National Day to Singapore! It's 45th this year! Keep going!
I believe that today's success comes with all those historical figures who have contributed in 1 way or another in the past. =)
So, how are you intending to spend your day today?
Join the crowd and spend the evening to catch the fireworks? Out for a picnic? Family day? Shopping or catching up with your friends? 
I'm meeting my darling for an ice cream date followed by catching up time! It was planned like so long ago, but due to our different schedules, it was really difficult to plan a date. So I am really looking forward to this!

Anyway, Sunday was well spent with my family. =)

I kinda like my fringe right now. =)

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