finally after so many days i feel more awake now! haha. XD coz i didn't go to school today for maths lessons. =X i was really tired and told myself that i should just sleep more and rest well and do the make up lesson with those who went to Bintan. XD and BIG SORRY to ernest coz i was supposed to meet him to go to school together. but i was sleeping like a log and soo attracted to my bed, my bolster and my pillow. XD and i miss the survivor camp last year. my team mate told me there will be a camp held but i wasn't told about it at all. so i didn't have a chance to go! =( and he told me there was people from my school who went! =( i really miss it! and i'll be bored out at home today. coz my elder sis would be going out with her friends for lunch. my younger sis to my cousin's house. and me, at home to rot. XD never mind. tomorrow will be day out with sisters and mum. to go shopping.
yesterday was my grandma's b'day. so we went there straight after church. and watched men in white. no story line. meant to be a comedy. kinda lame too. but funny la. XD the taxi trip there was jerky and long. and somehow i think that the taxi driver purposely took his own sweet time and talked like an old man about chinese medicine. and i decided to take a short nap. and yesterday's topic was about noah's ark and the rainbow. we must learn to be like noah and continue to spread gospel to others and bring others into the ark before jesus comes again. =)and we did some craft work for the carnival next week. =) and anw, the ice cream cake was really DELICIOUS and nice! but kinda messy too coz the ice cream melted. =( YAY! i can take out my braces by october! XD so excited. then i won't have to undergo all those drilling and everything on my teeth. but still have to put on retainers. i've got some savings for shopping day out le! see $$ eyes opened wide.
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