oh. today is the last day of the SHORT school holiday. which marks the start of term 4 and the crucial term. i'm excited and scared. we'll start all the study groups. with my wonderful girlfriends! and i wasn't able to see them today as they were all very turned off by the starting of the term tomorrow. and nettes complained of having monday blues. so they didn't come. and i bought this printed froot loops tee and i want to change the colour! but i seriously doubt that the person would allow it. SAD! =( i guess i have no choice but to sell it or wear it. i really want the pink one! and today is the premieres of high school musical 2. i think that it isn't really suitable for small kids. as in it is too "romantic" for them. haha. XD and some songs are nice some songs are not as nice as compared to the first one. these are my honest opinions though. =X
i've still got lots and tons of homework undone. i really don't have the mood to finish it. and there are so many blanks in my maths homework which are really irritating. and also, i didn't bring my a maths text book home and can't do the holiday assignment. i really need to catch up in maths. and for physics, i really don't feel like skipping it. but mr aw gave us an assignment on planning an investigation which is our spa task 3. and he didn't really went through it thoroughly with an example or what. i really have no idea how to do it. as for history, i really dread source base. it's being done in tests, exercises, home work and even holiday assignments! who won't dislike it? really hope mr nazar would just go through it with us. and i'll be happy enough. and i missed ace learning on last monday due to my laziness. have to do the make up with those who went for the bintan trip. i have like so many things to catch up! XD i'll have lots of fun. EEEHA!
mum and dad went for a movie together with my aunties. XD hope they enjoy. coz my father rarely have time for my mum. so after so many years, they finally go to a cinema together to catch a movie. XD me and my sisters were like messaging them what not to do and what to do in the cinema! XD sort of to remind them. ok. i have to earn and save $$ for my memory card and other important stuff!
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