Friday, September 14, 2007

i'm so sorry mr ho. we've done a very lousy job this morning. and we'll really take this as a learning point and not make the same mistake in future. i'll assure you. =)i never thought of the worse case scenario and didn't brought with me the script to assembly area. i'm sincerely sorry. this morning really messed up the whole thing. hope there won't be a second time.

anw, had tuition just now. did matrices. did quite fast. finally got the hold of it. i still remembered the first time i did matrices, i cried. =( kinda dumb la. XD but wen everybody got the hold already and you're still stuck there and don't even know the basics, you'll start to feel stressful and eventually break down. XD but at least i picked myself up. and i really can't believe something that happened. it's really an act of stupidity. forget it.

and i really want to thank ms ang for hearing me out. and i seriously miss the lessons taught by her and the punishment of stamping CRs and grammar books by her. and of course, not missing out the MOST outstanding award. haha. XD and my dear wanxin, don't be sad, coz you know i'll always stand by you!


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