hey yo people. it's been long! ok anyway, tomorrow would be the last paper for end of year exams! WOOHOO! and on friday, we'll be getting back some of our results already. don't know if i would score well or not. but neh mind. just leave it to God. =) i've done my best already. jia qi was crazy today already. she started screaming like nobody's business after the 1st paper this morning. 0.o and i accompanied her. LOL. everybody is already slacking. including me! i think i'm just gonna revise a little bit for physics tonight coz this is the chance for me to pull up my overall for physics. and tomorrow after exams, which ends at 9, girlfriends will rush off to imm to get our ingredients for baking on wednesday! WOOHOO! cool man! we're gonna like make sushis and bake something? haven't really decided on what to bake yet but we're gonna have lots of fun! actually we deserve it after so much of our hard work! XD
and attention please is really a funny and nice serial. have been slacking this few days and watched that with my maid. i give it 3 thumbs up! it's like an interval man! after my elder sis finish her exams, then it's my turn. after i finish, it's gonna be mavis' turn. and michelle have recommended me to watch brown sugar macchiato. i'm gonna watch many many serials after my exams before we have to go back to work again. and all the foundation programmes blah blah blah. i also want to watch hong kong serial! which are so very nice. =) i'm gonna pester my mum for that. =X
and something really bad is that straight after my exams, ernest is gonna start his os. i must support him by waiting for his os to finish. XD and we're gonna celebrate! for soo many many things. i've really neglected him this few days due to my exams. i'm so sorry! i'll make it up to you! alright. tata.
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