woah! just finished watching the champions. haha. XD it was really nice. it's always nice to watch a show or movie or whatsoever again so that you will better understand it. it's really bored to stay at home and do nothing. and my right hand is rather pain now. i think it was due to yesterday the shifting of classes. i've got like 1 whole stack of textbooks plus files! and thanks TEETSqiheng for giving me a hand. =) and we placed our stuff in a sec 1 class. i can't possibly take everything home right?! and woke up really early this morning to go for tuition which is scheduled from 8-10? XD whose stupid idea was that? it was mine. because mr goh was not free in the afternoon and we don't have to go to school so i don't want it to be in the late afternoon. and just now during tuition, many things happened. XD at first, priscilla was playing with me as normal. taking away each other stuff. and fiona joined in. she poked priscilla hands many times with her mechanical pencil. and for the last time, she accidentally poked a pencil lead into priscilla's hand. and priscilla was screaming in pain. she was in tremendous pain i think. but she still laughed at last. XD and the second thing that took place was karen scratching too hardly on hao jie's prepaid card and some of the numbers cannot be seen clearly. XD and he really had a hard time trying to figure out what the numbers were. but still got it in the end. i was laughing my ass off!
and yea. i have to revise with my younger sister for her coming exams. or else she will slack like nobody's business. =X and i'm responsible for it. but at least she improved quite a lot. after my mother's lecture the other day. hope she would do well for her end of year and get into a good class and not into a class where yong hian is in. she always come home complaining to us about him! LOL. he is really a big bully i suppose. and i'm off to watch my hk serial! TATA!
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