this is the combination of pris, mich, fiona & eve!


had so much fun during chinese remedials today. i was late for 45 minutes today. 15 minutes earlier than yesterday. improvement. but i missed speech day rehearsal today because i couldn't afford to skip another tuition session. and we can't stop laughing today. stupid fionayeoxx! kept grabbing my phone to delete those silly pictures that nupengyou took of her. LOL! i was late for an hour on wednesday because i was really bored out of the thought of having 4 hours intensive chinese remedials especially when it's scheduled in the morning! ZZZ. and when i walk into the class, mdm loy got so frustrated that she just clamoured at me saying do you think this is your mother's school. where you can come as and when you like?! you might as well not come. i thought to myself "how i wish i don't have to come too." LOL! i kept it to myself though. coz i'm very sure i'll be presented the most "outstanding award" and stand outside the class for the whole duration. and she sang for us today. we had plenty of fun with her being our chinese teacher! WOO! but i still have to put all these crappy stuff aside and concentrate on my mother tongue! A1 here i come! err..
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