Friday, January 23, 2009

my mum's a cheerful person. i'll be leaving for indonesia this evening. HEHE! packed my luggage already but i can't put my mind at ease. keep thinking that i've missed out a thing or two. ZZ.

went out with ernest yesterday. on a usual thursday. haha. went to get his cny shirt too. WOOHOO! i helped him with the picking of clothes. haha. but too bad he has got low stamina for shopping. so after awhile we decided to chill at a cafe. went to marina and chilled at starbucks. LOL. some times i really can't resist the temptation of spending. especially on food!! YUMMY YUM YUM! i realised that i've been eating quite a lot these days. that's good! then took a long bus ride home with ernesty! from marina all the way to home. LOL. had a niceeeeeee sleep on his shoulders. almost drooled. =X

anyway, good bye! see you all soon! i'll miss all of you!

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