Thursday, April 23, 2009

ok, everyone already started talking about their first day in school but i have not done so yet. i met wonderful friends like calla, olivia, jessica and rosanne. but only calla is in the same class as me. trying to get use and adapt to poly life. the system, environment, learning methods. have already seen quite a few people in school. haha.

basically school is all about lectures, tutorials, presentations and workshops. i think i'm gonna print out my notes rather then bringing my lappy to school unless neccessary. heavy and distracting ah.. this post is getting really boring i know that but just bear with it. quite a lot to do for this weekend. got to organise my stuff and put them into place. =) oh yea! that reminds me. i've gotta buy expensive textbooks too!! total turn off. my SW shirt is ugly and big, cause the person says there's no more small sizes! ZZZ. ok i think that's enough. i'm tired for the day.

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